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Strategy & Planning Manager

Job Objective

Manage end-to-end strategy and business planning process for Enterprise ensuring alignment with the overall Organizational Strategy. Support the Business unit in achieving the business objectives by monitoring the implementation of key strategic initiatives and ensuring the provision of accurate and timely information for Management review and decision making


• Work closely with Director Strategy & Planning to plan and prepare the strategy for the function, aligned to the Organization Strategy
• Work closely with Director Strategy & Planning to plan and prepare strategic initiatives, aligned to the functional strategy
• Implement and monitor the Governance mechanism with defined objectives and targets to measure performance
• Track and report performance against the strategic initiatives
• Support the Director Strategy & Planning to prepare and consolidate the budgets for all sub-functions under Enterprise
• Work closely with Director Strategy & Planning to review the consolidated budget for all sub-functions and prepare the budget for the function, aligned to the organization strategy
• Track and report on adherence to the approved sub-function and overall functional budgets and recommend corrective actions in case of any deviations
• Provide continuous support to all sub-function managers in developing the sub-function strategies and translate these strategies into department and staff objectives and targets
• Monitor interactions with the Department Heads, review the strategic initiatives prepared for Enterprise Business and ensure alignment to the Organizational strategy
• Review the Annual Business plan and ensure integration with the corporate business plan, evaluation of environmental factors and key drivers for the business growth
• Monitor progress against strategic initiatives, Business KPIs
• Monitor the maintenance and regular updation of the Balance Score card for the Department, highlighting areas of variance for review and action planning
• Review the Business performance reports and ensure accurate reflection and translation of the Business achievements
• Review the Risk reports and risk mitigation plan to be shared with Risk Management SteerCom
• Monitor execution of any project/ initiative for the department and organization as identified from time-to-time based on business needs
• Serve as a subject matter expert in own work area / sub-function / function and provide guidance to team / peers and support in the achievement of operational targets
• Undertake initiatives to improve processes in assigned area of work
• Guide team / peers in meeting delivery timelines and performance expectations
• Ensure that team / peers adhere to company policies and legal regulations
• Identify training needs and nominate team members for training programs
• Ensure timely completion of PMR process for self and the team
• Continuously share the knowledge and understanding of the telecom industry and business trends
• Ensure active participation in employee engagement surveys
• Motivate and build a healthy work environment within the team. Provide support in resolving work related / other concerns in an effective manner


• Bachelor’s Degree in business, strategy or finance • 6-8 years of experience of working in the telecommunications industry.
• Experience in planning/budgeting procedures in a telecom environment.
• Strong knowledge of PC skills viz. Excel and other MS office applications such as Power point etc.
• Experience in working on an accounting system such as SAP, Oracle etc.
• Strong knowledge of Batelco's products and services.

 Apply Here


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