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Patient Affairs Assistant

Job Purpose:

Provide patient service in reception area of Awali Hospital to the patients and visitors as per hospital service standards and Company policy.

Key Result Areas:


  1. Registrar new patients with their information as per their category by creating file and update patient’s registration in Patient Accounting System (PAS) with necessary details.
  2. Registrar, update, and process Insurance information/claims in PAS and provide the insurance patient with the correct claim form before any procedure.
  3. Raise invoice on patient covered by insurances schemes for the services do not cover by the policy, calculate, prepare, and issue invoices to different categories of customers by checking invoices for completeness.
  4. Receiving payment for all service and responsible for the petty cash of BD.50 and reconcile the cash on a daily basis.
  5. Obtain prior approval for some services such as Physic, medication for three-month, maternity visit, vaccination, operation dental, laboratory and delivery & take patient credit card detail for any rejection.
  6. Maintain filing system for each patient, track files in the PAS and send/receive files from/to Refinery Clinic.
  7. Sort documents as per category- private patient or employee such as referrals, reports, letters, ward and theatre, ANC, outside investigations... etc. by maintaining confidentiality.
  8. Register sick leaves given to BAPCO Employees within Awali hospital in the Oracle system.
  9. Handle documents of the patients from doctors or other medical department. (Patient collection tray).
  10. Provide other departments with categorized information. (Asking about PIN, FILE, enter charges for a patient, etc.)

     11. Carry out the duties and responsibilities of other jobs in the Patients Affairs Office whenever required.

Framework Boundaries, Decision Making authority and responsibility:


  • The position of Patient Affairs Assistant is primarily responsible for receiving the patients of the Awali Hospital and assisting them with appointment/payments.
  • The job is governed by the established policies and procedures. The job is repetitive, purely administrative and does not offer any scope for independent decision making. However as Patient Affairs Assistant is the first point of contact with the patients/visitors, job holder must be well mannered and polite while providing service.
  • Has responsibility to assist new patient to the hospital procedures (First time) step by step.

Responsible for providing on the job training for new employees in the reception area.



Knowledge Skills and Experience:

  • Minimum Certificate /Diploma in  Hospitality
  • Minimum 3 years in a Hospital or Hospitality environment. 
  • Good IT skills.
  • Customer oriented and person with pleasing personality. 
  • Pleasant personality with good communication skills.   
  •  Medical Reception Experience.             

Primary Location

: Bahrain


: Default Job


: Awali Hospital

Employee Status

: Permanent Full-time

Job Posting

: Sep 16, 2021, 10:29:19 AM


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