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Head of Proposition




Job Purpose:

The Head of Proposition will own and be responsible for setting the local Digital Customer Strategy, lead the Innovation and partnerships in all areas of business and support ongoing delivery.  Ensure that the processes in the Digital team are lean, robust and cover all scenarios at all customer touch-points. Build relationships with fintech and digital service providers to continuously enhance the digital offerings and stay ahead of the curve with innovative solutions in the financial services. This role will also ensure the monitoring of the business products profit and loss. The role’s main requirement is to drive revenue, minimize expenses and the monitor the business budget.


Principal Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Deliveries of Role:

  1. Develop the strategy, business plan and operational delivery capability that will allow the capture, development and implementation of new retail banking proposition in Bahrain.
  2. Develop profitable and commercially oriented financial products across assets and liabilities supporting customer needs and creating a positive impact on the P&L of the bank
  3. Drive and ensure proactive innovation by anticipating market and customer needs, including competitor and market trend analysis.
  4. Work with partners, agencies, fintech start-ups and strategic partners to integrate new technologies. Assess the viability of latest fintech solutions and support the development of new digital services and delivery platforms.
  5. Assess third party products and white label opportunities, build appropriate business case(s) and own the process to sign off including contract negotiation; prioritising propositions and working with other areas of the bank to build a roadmap for rollout.
  6. Drive the journey to create sustainable cost savings and operational efficiencies that need to be driven by standardizing systems, processes and products. Create savings we need to drive out waste and duplication, streamline processes and take out paper where we can. Digital channels should be a major facilitator of achieving these objectives.
  7. Ensure that identified and agreed projects are delivered signed off ‘future proposition’ projects within budget and agreed timeline using cross functional resource as required.
  8. Work with marketing to develop and implement marketing programs /activities to drive usage
  9. Act as a link between units and the digital team to create an environment of ideation to nurture digital innovation and increased operational efficiency as well as identifying key areas for future technology investment
  10. Deliver capabilities around distinctive customer experience, revenue growth, acquisition, retention and cross-sell opportunity, and cost savings through Web and Mobile Channels technology
  11. Manage budgets, processes, agencies and key suppliers to ensure that the bank achieves best in class, cost effective servicing. Manage key stakeholder relationships across internal and external suppliers.
  12. Forecast and monitor online usage and develop strategies to boost adoption of online servicing capabilities and achieve customer satisfaction.
  13. Maximise opportunities for Mobile banking channel initiatives to respond to changing market and technological conditions, by researching, preparing and creating business cases for senior stakeholder approval.


  • Minimum 15 years’ experience in Banking / Financial Services
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience in a management position


  • Bachelors Degree
  • Master’s Degree in Business or Finance is preferred

Apply Here


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