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Cards Settlement Officer


Job Purpose:

To process a range of Card Settlement & Personal Finance (PF) transactions, carry out reconciliations and compile reports as required in a timely and efficient manner ensuring error-free processing, adherence to internal procedures and provision of a high-quality service to internal and external customers.


Key Accountabilities:

  1. Performs settlement of Base I & Base II transactions applying relevant VISA rules and regulations while also ensuring adherence to bank reconciliation process.
  2. Processes & reconciles daily SPAN, GCC & SCHEMES settlement.
  3. Reconcile unit internal GL’s on daily basis and prepare monthly proof. 
  4. To ensure a high level of customer service, complies with Bank policies & procedures, Central Bank rules & VISA regulations performing transactions on time and with the necessary approvals.
  5. Make sure that  all documents related to cards payments and  settlements are kept in a secure place and archived on time, while following the specified retention period and disposal procedures, ensuring minimal loss of information
  6. Performs all card settlement & PF operations policies and bank guidelines in compliance with risk policies and procedures, Basel framework and AML policies.
  7. Prepares settlement age wise MIS report for use in follow up with SCHEMES/SAMA, to prevent bank’s financial losses.
  8. Executes daily reconciliation processing and books the required accounting entries.
  9. Reports to supervisor any issues faced in their daily operations, technical or otherwise, to resolve problems immediately.
  10. Performs required financial process of credit cards, such as cards payment from collection unit, refund of charges (Annual fee/Late payment charges) & acquirer payments. 
  11. Perform monthly Murabaha for GIB credit cards.
  12. Perform all PF manual entries such as (early payoff, write off, payment reversal, charges posting ... etc.)
  13. Performs other Retail operations activities that may be assigned by supervisors from time to time and support Line Manager in Strategic planning for improvements of unit efficiency.



  • University degree in business management or finance/accounting or equivalent experience

Professional Certifications

  • Cards related courses


2 to 3 years of relevant experience with banks in retail banking operations


  • Knowledge of retail products and operations
  • Knowledge of banking processes and back office support for cards and PF operations, payment operations, core banking systems
  • Knowledge of the SPAN & VISA system policies, procedures and regulations
  • Understanding of credit and debit cards settlement
  • Knowledge of Central Bank and other applicable rules and regulations on credit cards, PF & Fund transfer (payment)
  • Must be adept in use of MS Office 2000 or later version, particularly Excel and Word, and Internet and email


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