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Data Center Operations Specialist

As part of the Infrastructure and Operations Team, you will operate and maintain the On-Premises and co-located data center and related facilities, including installing and maintaining network and computing resources, data center security and monitoring systems, power and cooling systems, to ensure highly available, reliable, secure, and cost-effective operation of Company’s server, storage, network and telecommunication systems.

You have Data Center build knowledge and a good understanding of complex IT infrastructure environments, hardware and software, servers, virtualization technology solutions, data backup and restore, disaster recovery solutions and business continuity plans and industry specific IT infrastructure services. You are also able to perform basic hands-on hardware break-fix with servers and network appliances.

The Data Center Operations Specialist will report to the IT Infrastructure and Operations Team Lead.


You will be responsible to:

  • Participate in the implementation of IT infrastructure projects, with a focus on preparing, implementing, and executing the necessary Data Center facility development, maintenance, support, and operation activities for transitioning new projects into operations. Manage the implementation of assigned Data Center projects.
  • Continuously monitor Data Center facilities, power and cooling (HVAC), security access control, compute, storage, network and telecommunications equipment and services, system logs and alerts, and carry on preventative and planned/unplanned maintenance activities to ensure the availability, safety and security of Data Center resources.
  • Coordinate all faulty hardware replacement, capacity expansion, server installation, decommissioning and other project management initiatives with the vendors, partners, internal technical teams, and external customers; manage the installation of pre-integrated racks, individual servers and network appliances including stacking, wiring, cable managing and equipment labelling, following all approved internal standards and industry best practices.
  • Keep track of all Company Data Center facilities, assets, equipment, installations, access control systems, fire suppression systems, regularly check the validity of necessary operational permits and certifications and initiate recertification and/or remediation works as needed to ensure compliance with applicable standards.
  • Ensure all necessary operational arrangements are in place to maintain and recover Data Center facilities and services in the event of a disaster or major unplanned outage, as per approved Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
  • Working closely with approved service providers, maintain an accurate Data Center configuration and operation documentation, update timely and accurately relevant documentation and diagrams as and when needed, to ensure traceability and auditability of changes.
  • Follow zero-trust security principles and information security policies and standards, apply strict IT security hygiene to ensure that Data Center facilities are designed and operated reliably based on IT Information Security recommendation, whilst performing effectively and efficiently.
  • Monitor utilization of public Cloud resources, recommend and action proactive measures to optimize and reducing overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and Right Sizing computing services to scale.
  • Attend to all assigned business requests promptly and resolve Data Center issues in a timely manner, coordinating with other technical staff  on problem management and setting up the necessary solutions, documenting and disseminating lessons learned for continuous service improvement and opportunities to enhance operational efficiency and security.




  • BSc/MSc Degree in Computer Science or equivalent.
  • Minimum 8 years of IT experience, preferably in Oil & Gas or similar critical infrastructure process industry, out of which at least 5 years in a Data Center Operations with a record of increasing role responsibility.
  • Technical knowledge of Data Center facilities and infrastructure including power, HVAC, structured cabling, rack management and security. Working knowledge of networking/server architecture and hardware, hyperconverged infrastructure and enterprise disk-based backup and archiving solutions (e.g. Nutanix, Dell EMC Data Domain, etc.).
  • Sound understanding of Cloud service management and cost optimization, preferably with Amazon AWS Cloud.
  • Good understanding and practice of project management principles and tools.
  • Knowledge and experience in ITIL process methodologies and awareness of procurement and tendering procedures.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Good team-player, with the ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks under pressure.
  • Good written and spoken communication skills.
  • Fluent English.

Primary Location

: Bahrain


: Default Job


: Information Technology

Employee Status

: Permanent Full-time

Job Posting

: Sep 16, 2021, 9:21:23 AM


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