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Products Manager


Job objective

Contribute to the revenue growth by developing and managing Batelco’s product portfolio for Consumers. Identify opportunities for developing and enhancing Batelco products. Lead end-to-end design, development and management of products and services


  • Develop and manage products for Enterprise customers and Consumers to meet Business plan and revenue targets
  • Track and report adherence to the Product Development / management budget, highlight deviations in time


  • Keep abreast of market trends, latest products and services, leading technologies to generate ideas for new business opportunities
  • Lead the process of market sizing and consumer analysis and provide inputs for developing Product and Service Strategy
  • Assess market competition by comparing the Batelco's product to competitors' products
  • Lead the process of feasibility analysis for introducing new products/ services, integrating new leading technologies into existing product concepts
  • Conduct cost and revenue impact analysis and develop business cases for introducing new products or services or implementing improvements in existing products
  • Prepare detailed business plan for P&S that accurately describes business opportunity, key resource requirements and timelines, competitive environment, pricing, positioning etc.
  • Monitor end-to-end design, development and launch of Products and Services
  • Asses the forecasting of consumer requirement and analyse the need for expansions on network coverage due to new product development
  • Obtain technology patents registration for Batelco innovation projects and ideas
  • Ensure development of new products in accordance with agreed specifications and criteria
  • Prepare and maintain detailed product specifications, service definition & processes, for delivered and planned products
  • Design communications for customer to create awareness and understanding of new products and services
  • Review and finalise the campaigns for products & services
  • Identify and liaise with Procurement to on-board vendors for procuring devices, negotiate for price, after service support etc.
  • Define service support strategies and lead the process for identification and on-boarding partners for providing Service support
  • Liaise with Finance to ensure timely pay-outs for the vendors
  • Evaluate performance of product and services. Identify potential improvement opportunities in existing products and propose plans to continue growing revenues across all P&S portfolio


  • Identify training needs and nominate team members for training programs
  • Ensure timely completion of PMR process for self and the team
  • Continuously share the knowledge and understanding of the telecom industry and business trends
  • Ensure active participation in employee engagement surveys



  • 5-7 years of experience in telecoms network, product development or marketing
  • Experience in developing Business cases, Project Management
  • Bachelors’ in Business Studies or Marketing


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