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Generation Z Trainee, Reporting & Financial Budgeting



Responsible to support in the preparation of the annual budget, periodic reforecast and reviewing the trends compared to actual financial statements thereafter.

Preparing monthly and quarterly reports, investigating key business drivers for revenue and expenses variances, providing analytical insight, monitoring and improving the current financial system in place, and reviewing annual and quarterly financial statements.


  • Prepare and arrange for the annual budget and quarterly reforecasts for the company as well as the consolidation including all the subsidiaries.
  • Review and monitor budget override and budget transfers requests in case-to-case basis.
  • Prepare regular reports on progress towards targets, flagging variations and performing initial checks on reasons for under/over budget.
  • Prepare the data requirements for business initiatives analysis, product launches and/or new service offerings and follow up with the owners and stakeholders.
  • Create and provide specific ad-hoc reports whenever is needed.
  • Review the main financial KPIs outputs of ERP System and revert back to accounting department in case of any issues.
  • Support the accounting department in month and year end closing.
  • Conducting cost-benefit analyses to determine value for new and existing costs in addition to net revenue generated from new or existing products and services.
  • Develop new ways of reporting and analysis by blending technology with Finance and accounting.
  • Analyze and explain all figures in the financial statements when required.
  • Identifying trends in financial performance and providing recommendations for improvement.
  • Assist in preparation and review of special projects (Business Case studies) for better decision making that should be aligned with budget and strategic plan.
  • Support the Invest Relation division in reviewing the financial ads and financial part of press release on quarterly basis.

An ideal candidate would be

  • Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting (with Sub-quilifcation IT) or IT (with Sub-quilification Finance).
  • Having Fintech certification is preferable.
  • Up to 1 year relative work experience.

Wait! there is more.

  • Basic knowledge of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and cost accounting in addition to local reporting and tax regulations
  • General knowledge in ERP Systems and its different modules
  • Computer literacy (MS Office Applications)
  • Knowledge of using digital tools
  • High level of commitment
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Strong analytical and presentation skills
  • Capacity for innovation
  • Good problem-solving skills
  • Excellent time management and organizational ability
  • Ability to work a hybrid work schedule of both remote and on-site


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