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Main Objectives

Be responsible to manage and develop strategies for the payments working with providers and all internal stakeholders to develop, implement, improve and optimize payment and fintech relationship development across all channels of distribution. 

This role will be a unique role with direct interfaces to Commercial, Finance and IT divisions.

Payments portfolio is expected to grow especially in direct channels by more than 30% over next couple of years as we shift towards more digital payments and this role is catalyst for this growth opportunity

High focus on Return on Investment and alternative thinking is required to fulfill the responsibilities.

In charge to lead conceptualization, development, implementation and automation of payment related policies, procedures, reporting and systems.

Main Duties
  1. Develop a functional and implementable 5 years plan along with SMBDD covering the payment strategies along with, and consistently design, implement and monitor the change management process.
  2. Develop, document and implement policies and procedures regarding Payment related Services across all stakeholders (both Internal and external).
  3. Manage Procurement processes (for new product providers), following airline processes at all times to ensure relevant partners are identified and selected.
  4. Day-to-Day management of payment product, services and relationships including co-ordination and involvement of all relevant internal departments and all third party providers wherever relevant.
  5. Maintain an overview of all competitors (regional and global) payment related activities and partners and keep regular track of revenue and related costs.
  6. Proactive implementation of control measures by identifying and plugging gaps in payment process and consistently drive the distribution costs down.
  7. Project manage targets and milestones for Payment related product & services and manage dependencies for the same
  8. Lead interdisciplinary project teams, define responsibilities, co-ordinate planning and distribution of work packages, monitor results and progress
  9. Ensure and steer execution of testing phases and quality inspection during and/or after implementation
  10. In depth analysis of findings/changes to outstations and/or department impacted by necessary action. Continuously explore areas, identify opportunities and perform strengths and weaknesses assessment for markets to generate common revenue/cost saving targets.
  11. Acts as an Interface with rest of Commercial (Sales, Marketing, Network Planning, Revenue Management) and Operational & Support (Ground Services, Finance, HR, Outstations, IT) organization along with third party service providers.
  12. Assist in the preparation of the Annual Budgeting exercise.
  13. Undertake any other duties that may be assigned by Senior Manager BDD.
Education & Training
  1. University Bachelor’s degree level of education in Business Management or Sales. Master’s degree is an advantage.
  2. Thorough knowledge of Airline Payment operations and/or Customer Experience
  3. Very good general IT education and experience.
  4. Negotiation skills on senior level with strengths in negotiating and coordinating with External counterparts
  5. Must be computer literate, especially MS Excel, with proven communication skills, resilient and culturally sensitive with high level of motivational self-starter skill.
  6. Must be able to create healthy working relationships with counterparts and external contacts.
  7. Fluency in written and spoken English is essential (Arabic desirable).
  • Minimum 7-10 years’ experience in Payments or Fraud or Commercial plus IT facing role.
  • Analytical work experience.
  • Full understanding of Gulf Air Strategic Goals.
  • Understanding the Reservations/Ticketing process, Sales Techniques.
  • Negotiations experience on senior level.

Apply Here


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